By purchasing a product or service at House of Play, or attending an event or class etc. in House of Play, or by using our website houseofplay.dk, you are agreeing to be bound by our Terms and Conditions, applicable laws and regulations and their compliance.

1. Our Code of Conduct

2. Membership benefits

3. Buying and cancelling your tickets

4. Discount for students and others with low income

5. Our Calendar and policy for cancelled events 

6. Payment terms

7. GPDR Compliance

8. Intellectual property rights

1. Code of Conduct

At all time, when taking part in our classes and events, and when using our online communities, you must follow our Code of Conduct, that can be found here: https://www.houseofplay.dk/code-of-conduct. Not complying with the Code of Conduct may lead to cancellation of membership and/or tickets.

You must be 21 years of age to attend activities at House of Play unless otherwise specified.

2. Memberships

Membership gives you free access to a number of our regular, weekly activities pr month. You get a discount on weekend workshops, continuous classes and Play parties, plus access to the members only events. Members can also bring  at non-member friend to our weekly activities for free.

Read more about memberships here: https://www.houseofplay.dk/choose-your-membership.

3. One-time tickets and cancellation policy

Non-members can buy tickets to any event or class unless otherwise specified.

Signing up for any event or class is binding and non-refundable.

Cancelling your participation in a weekly class on our website before (!) start, enables you to use the ticket for the same type of class within the next 60 days.

Tickets for other events and continuous classes cannot be changed or refunded. You can however sell your ticket to another person. In that case, write to us on info@houseofplay.dk that you are selling the ticket and make sure the person who is buying it to contact us as well, so we can register them for the event.

4. Discount for students and people with low income

We give a discount on memberships to people with low income, see https://www.houseofplay.dk/choose-your-membership.

We also give a discount on tickets for most classes, events and other activities to students and people with low income. Contact us on info@houseofplay.dk if you are eligible for a discount.

5. Calendar and our cancellation of activities

Our activities can be found in our calendar on our website.

Our schedule is subject to change and the most recent updates will be published on our website. We reserve the right to modify opening hours, schedule and instructors. Classes and events may be cancelled due to illness or too few participants, if a minimum of participants is a precondition for a succesful event, and for other reasons.

Whilst we do our best to ensure that the information on our website is correct and up to date, we do not warrant its completeness or accuracy.

If classes or events are cancelled by House of Play, it will show in the calendar on our website and signed up participants will receive an e-mail. Please make sure that your contact information is registered and up-to-date on your profile page on www.houseofplay.dk.

Cancellation of weekly activities will allow participants to use the ticket for another similar events within 60 days. If we cancel weekend workshops, continuous classes, or other one-time events, participants well get a refund.

6. Payment terms

All prices are in Danish kroner (DKK), unless otherwise stated.

Transactions will appear on your bank account statement as Cph Institute of Education, which is just a more neutral name for House of Play.

Refunded payments will appear in your account after 5-10 business days. This delay is due only to our payment provider.

We use a secure payment system and all information, including bank and credit card information, will be encrypted. The payment provider charges you a fee of 0,3% on top of your ticket price, as you will see when you buy a ticket. We accept major credit cards and online payment methods. These options may change additional fees, that are not related to House of Play.

7. GPDR Compliance and consent

By consenting to these terms and conditions you are giving House of Play permission to process your personal data specifically for the purposes identified.

House of Play uses these data to process your purchase of tickets and membership, to validate your membership status and for sending you information about upcoming activities. If you sign up for our newsletter, we will also use your provided data for this purpose.

When you sign up for a membership or our newsletter or buy a ticket or other products on our website, we collect the following data: full name, phone number, e-mail address and what types of memberships and tickets you buy.

We use yogo.dk as our platform for memberships and ticket sale. You can read Yogo’s data processing agreement here: https://yogo.dk/databehandleraftale.

When you pay for at ticket or membership, the payment is handled by our payment provider Stripe. Stripe collects your name, e-mail, address, card type, bank name, payment history and credit card (or other payment method, like Mobile Pay) information. House of Play has access to these data, except for your credit card or other payment method data, that is not accessable by House of Play.

You can read Stripe’s privacy policy here: https://stripe.com/en-dk/privacy.

When you sign up for our newsletter, your full name and e-mail is collected. We use Squarespace as our website and newsletter provider. You can read their terms of service here: https://www.squarespace.com/terms-of-service

Your data is only used for the above mentioned purposes and will never be distributed, sold or shared with any third parties, except the above mentioned, or when required to by law.

You may withdraw your consent and request your personal data be deleted entirely at any time by contacting info@houseofplay.dk. You can also edit and/or delete your account in your account control panel on Houseofplay.dk when you are logged in. You can unsubscribe to our newsletter by clicking Unsubscribe at the bottom of each newsletter.

You may ask us to correct your data or to inform you of what data we store about you at any time.

Your profile at House of Play is automatically deleted after five years of passivity.

In case of a personal data breach, all relevant users will be notified by mail without undue delay, with relevant information needed to prevent or reduce the consequences of the breach. Relevant authorities will be notified as required by law.

8. Intellectual property rights

Unless otherwise stated, House of Play owns the intellectual property rights for all material on www.houseofplay.dk. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may view and/or print pages from www.houseofplay.dk for your own personal use subject to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

You may not reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, rent or sub-license material from www.houseofplay.dk without prior agreement.

Hyperlinking to our content via search engines, news organizations, and online directory distributors is permitted. We will approve all link requests from these organizations if we determine that they are suitable and relevant.

No use of www.houseofplay.dk logo or other artwork is allowed without explicit written permission.


These terms and policies are subject to change.
Last updated: June 2024