We hope that you will find an answer to your question here

  • House of Play is Copenhagen’s new play space. We bring conscious sexuality, consent, bodywork, kink, rope, dance, and art together under one roof, creating a place where playful and curious people can learn, share, grow, and play together in a safe and liberated way. More info here

  • We have three different membership options you will find them here. As a member you help create the community and save money compared to signing up for individual classes.

  • We would love you to join as a member but you are also welcome to buy an activity or class directly from the calendar. Make sure to read and agree to our code of conduct/consent policy before joining any activities.

  • We have intro sessions for people new to the house at least once a month - keep an eye on the calendar. And remember that you can always join an activity (for free once) if you come with an existing member.

  • You will find a description of all activities here and our calendar here

  • You will find an overview of some of our facilitators here - some are not listed due to privacy and their professional work elsewhere.

  • Comming soon (Link to quotes section)

  • House of Play use several volunteers to help keep the house open, warm, and cozy. If you would like to know more about volunteering please write us at: info@houseofplay.dk

  • Please read more about our photo policy in our Code of Conduct

  • At House of Play you are welcome in whatever clothes that makes you feel comfortable or outrageously sexy. No code - dress with your mood.

  • House of Play is a community for exploring conscious sexuality and deep connections between people in a safer space driven by care and consent.

    We see consent as a positive force that allows us to be braver, go deeper, and play safer.

    Read more in our code of conduct

  • At House of Play we strive to create safer, warm and inclusive spaces. Our chili system is meant as a guidance and you are never expected to do anything outside your personal boundaries. Please reach out to us if you are still unsure.

    🌶️ No sexual interaction, fully clothed

    🌶️ 🌶️ None to mild sensual/intimate interaction. Sexy clothes optional, minimum underpants - No full nudity.

    🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ There can be mild to full sensual/sexual/intimate interaction, participants are usually clothed and play with a variety of expressions. Nudity allowed.

    🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ This is a fully sex inclusive space and various forms of sensual/sexual/intimate expression may take place. Nudity allowed.

  • You will find the membership terms and conditions on the membership page below the options.

  • You find House of Play at

    House of play
    Shetlandsgade 3, 1st floor,
    Copenhagen 2300

    See the venue and directions here

  • You send an email with your question to info@houseofplay.dk